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Contact: Tammi Riedl
City: Auburn, CA,
About Us
GroMatters spawned from a mid-life farming adventure on a little piece of land in Northern CA.

Lincoln Hills Farm was founded in 2012 by Tammi Riedl, a corporate professional turned regenerative farmer. It all started after she attended a biodynamic farming and gardening program at Rudolf Steiner College and was inspired to leave her career in technology, marketing and finance, to become a steward of the land.

For eight years, Lincoln Hills Farm produced annual and perennial crops of vegetables, fruit, flowers, herbs, eggs, poultry, honey and artisan products sold through farmstands, regional food hubs and local restaurants. Lincoln Hills Farm became a destination for international students seeking an opportunity to Live, Learn and Work on the farm. It was also an agri-tourism destination for Airbnb guests from around the globe.

Tammi's dream of starting a local food HUB was fulfilled in July 2019, when she launched the Placer Farmers Marketplace to offer fresh, local, seasonal products direct from her network of local family farmers and artisan producers.

The farm was passed along to new land stewards in 2020 and the regenerative spirit lives on through GroMatters. Tammi is currently living in Auburn, CA, running the HUB, writing, teaching, speaking and consulting on permaculture design and regenerative living. You can follow her on facebook at GroMatters with Tammi Riedl.

Growth Happens Organically!
It's all about life in the soil and ecosystems! Lincoln Hills Farm used a variety of organic, biodynamic, permaculture and regenerative practices including no-till, compost and bio-char application, straw and wood chip mulching, companion planting, water conservation, erosion control and crop planning for soil health and climate change resiliency,